Sister Psyche
Paragon Times Special Report
Vol. 174 No. 495 Paragon City, RI, June 20, 2005 75 cents
Often in the course of the crime fighting business, we forget about the potentially lethal methods used to subdue those who do wrong. Recently, I had the chance to speak with one of these, for lack of a better word, victims of "hero brutality".
Are the defenders of our
City really protecting us?
Renee Goble
Special to the Times
The Ziggurat- Nearly two years has passed since Sister Psyche brought Alphonso "Reactor" Birelli to justice. But was it really justice? Were the methods used to apprehend him over the line? I had a chance to speak with him earlier today at Zigursky Prison. What I discovered was truly frightening.
Alphonso Birelli: You’d think that this kinda thing wouldn’t be allowed, ya know? I mean, what kind of hero arrests somebody with a sword and gun? It’s assault, I tell ya. Sure, I’ve swung a sword or two in my time, but I wasn’t exactly Mr. Boy Scout.
Goble: The heroes of this city have done a lot of good, though. Yes, some of the methods they use can be a little overzealous, but they’re still making a difference.
Birelli: Don’t tell me you buy inta all their "nobility" hogwash. Look around sweetheart. They’re just like us. You just don’t wanna see it.
Goble: How can you compare those who’ve put their lives on the line for this city countless times to the criminals who continue to threaten the populace daily?
Birelli: Think I’m lying? Listen up. Take your so-called "Sister Psyche". Psycho’s more like it. Heh. Sure, she’s great to look at. I mean, how tight IS that costume? Rowr. But, how "good" is making a guy beat the snot outta his best friend?
Goble: I see your point, but you weren’t in that warehouse for a party, now were you? Describe what happened the night of your arrest.
Birelli: We were just minding our own business. Checkin’ out this warehouse that Jim’s uncle owns y’know? We had no idea the place was locked, and Jimmy forgot his keys. So yeah, we broke in. Jim said it was cool. He’d smooth things over later. Sis showed up, and BAM. Next thing I know, six inches of steel sticking inta my backside, courtesy of my good buddy Nate. Don’t think he’s the only one she’s mentally strip-mined, either. Little itch inna back of your brain, and BOOM- All control goes out the window.
Goble: So, you believe that it’s wrong to use mental powers to manipulate behavior, even if it’s to stop crimes? Many share those views. Please continue.
Birelli: Personally, I’d rather she’d use her hands to manipulate, if you get my meaning. Heh. Anywho, she cut through our gang like freaks gut toasters. Sure, we fought heroes before, but she’s something else. Had this look in her eyes, like a vicious pit bull or something. Like fighting two people at once. Lotta the guys she dropped, she wasn’t even lookin at. Talked to herself a lot too. Freaky.
Goble: Well, until recently, there were two distinct beings inhabiting the same body. Thanks to the efforts of some fledgling heroes, she was recently separated.
Birelli: You mean there’s two running around now? Maybe it’s best I’m locked up then, not that that’s any real comfort. Little wannabes pop in here and beat up guys already in prison! I mean, I thought that’s why we’re here, to pay off our debt to society. But they just won’t leave us alone. Guards stand there and let it happen
Goble: That seems wrong to me. I’m sure our readers would be interested to know that since 2003, there have been reports of at least seventy three savage beatings by heroes within the grounds of the prison, though many more are rumored. I don’t blame inmates for being afraid.
Birelli: A friend had t’go to the hospital after some nut-job with a rifle dropped outta the sky and started blasting. Took a slug right to the chest. Nearly killed the guy. Just not right I tell ya.
So there you have it. Though their guilt has been proven in court, prisoners here at the Zigursky Prison still fear for their own lives at the hands of vigilante heroes trying to make a name for themselves, as well as trusted, well established ones. Perhaps it’s time for our representatives to step in and do something about this growing problem.
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